* @cond LICENSE
* ######################################################################################
* # LGPL License #
* # #
* # This file is part of the LightJason AgentSpeak(L++) #
* # Copyright (c) 2015-19, LightJason ( #
* # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
* # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as #
* # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the #
* # License, or (at your option) any later version. #
* # #
* # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
* # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
* # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. #
* # #
* # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License #
* # along with this program. If not, see #
* ######################################################################################
* @endcond
package org.lightjason.agentspeak.common;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.lightjason.agentspeak.error.CIllegalArgumentException;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* class to create a path structure
public final class CPath implements IPath
* serial id
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8502900889333744887L;
* list with path parts *
private final List<String> m_path;
* separator of the path elements *
private String m_separator = DEFAULTSEPERATOR;
* copy-ctor with arguments
* @param p_path path object
* @param p_varargs string arguments
public CPath( final IPath p_path, final String... p_varargs )
this( p_path );
m_path.addAll( Arrays.asList( p_varargs ) );
* copy-ctor
* @param p_path path object
public CPath( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
m_path = CPath.collectorfactory() );
m_separator = p_path.separator();
* ctor
* @param p_varargs path component
public CPath( @Nullable final String... p_varargs )
if ( ( Objects.isNull( p_varargs ) ) || ( p_varargs.length == 0 ) )
m_path = CPath.listfactory();
m_path = StringUtils.join( p_varargs, m_separator ).split( m_separator ) )
.map( String::trim )
.filter( i -> !i.isEmpty() )
.collect( CPath.collectorfactory() );
if ( m_path.size() == 0 )
throw new CIllegalArgumentException( CCommon.languagestring( this, "pathempty" ) );
* ctor
* @param p_stream string collection
public CPath( @Nonnull final Stream<String> p_stream )
m_path = p_stream.collect( CPath.collectorfactory() );
* private ctor for empty path
private CPath()
m_path = Collections.emptyList();
* creates a path object from different items
* @param p_varargs list of strings
* @return path object
public static IPath createPath( @Nonnull final String... p_varargs )
return new CPath( p_varargs );
* creates a path object by splitting a string
* @param p_varargs list of string (first element is the seperator)
* @return path object
public static IPath createPathWithSeperator( @Nonnull final String... p_varargs )
return new CPath(
Arrays.asList( p_varargs ).subList( 1, p_varargs.length ).stream()
.flatMap( i -> StringUtils.split( i, p_varargs[0] ) ) )
* factor method to build path
* @param p_string input string
* @return path
public static IPath from( @Nonnull final String p_string )
return p_string.isEmpty() ? EMPTY : createPathWithSeperator( DEFAULTSEPERATOR, p_string );
public final IPath append( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
return new CPath( this ).pushback( p_path );
public final IPath append( @Nonnull final String p_path )
return new CPath( this ).pushback( p_path );
public final IPath remove( final int p_index )
if ( !m_path.isEmpty() )
m_path.remove( p_index );
return this;
public final IPath remove( final int p_start, final int p_end )
m_path.subList( p_start, p_end ).clear();
return this;
public final synchronized boolean endswith( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
return p_path.size() <= this.size()
&& IntStream.range( 0, p_path.size() ).boxed().parallel().allMatch( i -> this.get( i - p_path.size() ).equals( p_path.get( i ) ) );
public final boolean startswith( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
return p_path.size() <= this.size()
&& IntStream.range( 0, p_path.size() ).boxed().parallel().allMatch( i -> this.get( i ).equals( p_path.get( i ) ) );
public final String get( final int p_index )
return p_index < 0 ? m_path.get( m_path.size() + p_index ) : m_path.get( p_index );
public final String path( @Nonnull final String p_separator )
return StringUtils.join( m_path, p_separator );
public final String path()
return StringUtils.join( m_path, m_separator );
public final String separator()
return m_separator;
public final IPath separator( @Nonnull final String p_separator )
if ( p_separator.isEmpty() )
throw new CIllegalArgumentException( CCommon.languagestring( this, "separatornotempty" ) );
m_separator = p_separator;
return this;
public final synchronized IPath lower()
IntStream.range( 0, m_path.size() ).boxed().parallel().forEach( i -> m_path.set( i, m_path.get( i ).toLowerCase() ) );
return this;
public final synchronized IPath upper()
IntStream.range( 0, m_path.size() ).boxed().parallel().forEach( i -> m_path.set( i, m_path.get( i ).toUpperCase() ) );
return this;
public final IPath subpath( final int p_fromindex )
return this.subpath( p_fromindex, this.size() );
public final IPath subpath( final int p_fromindex, final int p_toindex )
return new CPath(
p_toindex == 0
? Stream.empty()
: IntStream.range(
p_toindex > 0 ? p_toindex : this.size() + p_toindex
.mapToObj( m_path::get )
).separator( m_separator );
public final synchronized String suffix()
return m_path.isEmpty()
? ""
: m_path.get( m_path.size() - 1 );
public final int hashCode()
final Hasher l_hasher = org.lightjason.agentspeak.language.CCommon.getTermHashing();
m_path.forEach( i -> l_hasher.putString( i, Charsets.UTF_8 ) );
return l_hasher.hash().hashCode();
public final boolean equals( final Object p_object )
return ( ( p_object instanceof IPath ) && ( this.hashCode() == p_object.hashCode() ) )
|| ( ( p_object instanceof String ) && ( this.path().hashCode() == p_object.hashCode() ) );
public final String toString()
return this.path();
* check if the path is empty
* @return empty flag
public final boolean empty()
return m_path.isEmpty();
public final IPath pushback( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
{ m_path::add );
return this;
public final IPath pushback( @Nonnull final String p_path )
this.pushback( new CPath( p_path ) );
return this;
public final IPath pushfront( @Nonnull final String p_path )
this.pushfront( new CPath( p_path ) );
return this;
public final synchronized IPath pushfront( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
final List<String> l_path = Stream.concat(, ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
m_path.addAll( l_path );
return this;
public final String removesuffix()
if ( this.empty() )
return "";
final String l_suffix = this.suffix();
if ( m_path.size() > 0 )
m_path.remove( m_path.size() - 1 );
return l_suffix;
public final IPath reverse()
Collections.reverse( m_path );
return this;
public final int size()
return m_path.size();
public final boolean startswith( final String p_path )
return this.startswith( new CPath( p_path ) );
public final Stream<String> stream()
public final int compareTo( @Nonnull final IPath p_path )
return this.hashCode(), p_path.hashCode() );
* normalize the internal path
private synchronized void normalize()
if ( m_path.isEmpty() )
// create path-copy and nomalize (remove dot, double-dot and empty values)
final List<String> l_dotremove =
.filter( i -> Objects.nonNull( i ) && ( !i.isEmpty() ) && ( !".".equals( i ) ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
if ( l_dotremove.isEmpty() )
final String l_last = l_dotremove.get( l_dotremove.size() - 1 );
final List<String> l_backremove = IntStream.range( 0, l_dotremove.size() - 1 )
.filter( i -> !l_dotremove.get( i + 1 ).equals( ".." ) )
.map( l_dotremove::get )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
if ( !"..".equals( l_last ) )
l_backremove.add( l_last );
// clear internal path and add optimized path
m_path.addAll( l_backremove );
* collector factory
* @return collector
private static Collector<String, List<String>, List<String>> collectorfactory()
return new Collector<String, List<String>, List<String>>()
public final Supplier<List<String>> supplier()
return CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>::new;
public final BiConsumer<List<String>, String> accumulator()
return List::add;
public final BinaryOperator<List<String>> combiner()
return ( i, j ) ->
i.addAll( j );
return i;
public final Function<List<String>, List<String>> finisher()
return i -> i;
public final Set<Characteristics> characteristics()
return Collections.emptySet();
* list factory
* @return list
private static List<String> listfactory()
return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
* returns a collector to build a path from strings
* @return collector
public static Collector<String, IPath, IPath> collect()
return new CPathCollector();
* path collector
private static final class CPathCollector implements Collector<String, IPath, IPath>
public final Supplier<IPath> supplier()
return () -> new CPath( Stream.empty() );
public final BiConsumer<IPath, String> accumulator()
return IPath::pushback;
public final BinaryOperator<IPath> combiner()
return IPath::pushback;
public final Function<IPath, IPath> finisher()
return Function.identity();
public final Set<Characteristics> characteristics()
return Collections.emptySet();