LightJason - AgentSpeak(L++)
Package org.lightjason.agentspeak.action.builtin.graph


class  CAddEdgeMultiple
 add multiple edges to a single graph instance. More...
class  CAddEdgeSingle
 adds a single edge to the multiple graph. More...
class  CAddVertexMultiple
 adds multiple vertices to a single graph. More...
class  CAddVertexSingle
 adds a vertex to the graph. More...
class  CAdjacencyMatrix
 creates from a graph the adjacency matrix. More...
class  CContainsEdge
 check if a graph contains an edge. More...
class  CContainsVertex
 check if a graph contains a vertex. More...
class  CCreate
 creates a graph data structure. More...
class  CDegreeMultiple
 returns multiple vertex degrees of a single graph. More...
class  CDegreeSingle
 returns the vertex degree of multiple graphs. More...
class  CDistancePath
 calculates the distance of two vertices within each graph instance. More...
class  CEdgeCount
 returns the number of edges. More...
class  CEdgeListMultiple
 returns all edges of all vertex tuples for a single graph instance. More...
class  CEdgeListSingle
 returns all edges of two vertices of each graph instance. More...
class  CEdges
 returns for a graph all edges. More...
class  CEndPointMultiple
 returns of any edge the vertices from a single graph instance. More...
class  CEndPointSingle
 returns of an edge the vertices from each graph instance. More...
class  CFindEdgeMultiple
 returns all edges between vertices for a graph instance. More...
class  CFindEdgeSingle
 returns an edge between vertices for each graph instance. More...
class  CIncidentCountMultiple
 returns the number of vertices that are incident to each edge of a single graph instance. More...
class  CIncidentCountSingle
 returns the number of vertices that are incident to edge of each graph instance. More...
class  CIncidentVerticesMultiple
 returns a list of incident vertices of each edge of a single graph instance. More...
class  CIncidentVerticesSingle
 returns a list of incident vertices of an edge of each graph instance. More...
class  CInDegreeMultiple
 returns the in-degree of multiple vertices of a single graph instance. More...
class  CInDegreeSingle
 returns the in-degree of a vertex of multiple graph instances. More...
class  CInEdgesMultiple
 returns incomming edges of all vertices of a single graph instance. More...
class  CInEdgesSingle
 returns incomming edges of a vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  CIsIncidentMultiple
 checks if a vertex and edge tuple is incident for a single graph instance. More...
class  CIsIncidentSingle
 checks if a vertex and an edge incident for each graph instance. More...
class  CIsNeighborMultiple
 checks all vertex tuple, if the first part is a neighbor of the second one of a single graph instance. More...
class  CIsNeighborSingle
 checks if a vertex is neighbor of another vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  CIsPredecessorMultiple
 checks all vertex tuples if the first part the predecessor of the second on a single graph instance. More...
class  CIsPredecessorSingle
 checks if a vertex is predecessor of another vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  CIsSuccessorMultiple
 checks all vertex tuples if the first part the successor of the second on a single graph instance. More...
class  CIsSuccessorSingle
 checks if a vertex is successor of another vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  CNeighborsCountMultiple
 returns the number neighbors of each vertices of a single graph instance. More...
class  CNeighborsCountSingle
 returns the number neighbors of a vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  CNeighborsMultiple
 returns the neighbors of each vertex of single graph instance. More...
class  CNeighborsSingle
 returns the neighbors of a vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  COppositeMultiple
 returns the opposit of each vertex and edge tuple of a single graph instance. More...
class  COppositeSingle
 returns the opposit of a vertex and edge of any graph instance. More...
class  COutDegreeMultiple
 returns the out-degree of each vertex of a single graph instance. More...
class  COutDegreeSingle
 returns the out-degree of a vertex of each graph instance. More...
class  COutEdgesMultiple
 returns outgoing edges of any vertex of a single graph. More...
class  COutEdgesSingle
 returns outgoing edges of a vertex of each graph. More...
class  CPredecessorCountMultiple
 returns the number of predecessors of any vertex in a single graph instance. More...
class  CPredecessorCountSingle
 returns the number of predecessors of a vertex in multiple graph instances. More...
class  CRemoveEdgeMultiple
 removes edges from any graph instance. More...
class  CRemoveEdgeSingle
 remove an edge from any graph instance. More...
class  CRemoveVertexMultiple
 removes any vertices from a single graph instance. More...
class  CRemoveVertexSingle
 removes a vertex from each graph instance. More...
class  CShortestPath
 calculates the edge list of the shortest path of two vertices within each graph instance. More...
class  CSpanningTree
 creates a minimal spanning tree of any graph instance. More...
class  CSuccessorCountMultiple
 returns the number of successors of each vertex of a single graph instance. More...
class  CSuccessorCountSingle
 returns the number of successors of a vertex within each graph instance. More...
class  CVertexCount
 returns the number of vertices. More...
class  CVertices
 returns all vertices of a graph. More...
class  IApplyMultiple
 apply class for a single graph with multiple elements More...
class  IApplyPathAlgorithm
 abstract class to define path / distance graph algorithms More...
class  IApplySingle
 apply an element on multiple graphs More...